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Recent Posts by admin

Driver’s Education Combines Teaching Skills, Gift of Gab

Ironically, for someone who teaches new drivers how to avoid accidents, Auburn’s Sofia Hotlen got into the driver’s ed business by accident. A self-described perennial student, the native of Chile ping-ponged across the globe, touching down in her early years in Switzerland, Brazil, England and, finally, the United States. On her office wall on High Street
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Summer Deadliest Time, According to Statistics

Auburn driving instructor says easy to spot “risky” students By: Kirsten Read Journal Correspondent For many teens, the word “summer” means new found freedom. And, for some, that freedom includes taking to the roads for the first time with a newly acquired driver’s license. However, as with all freedom, the teenage summer experience also means increased
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Summer Sees Rise In Teen Crashes

Highway Patrol urges caution as ‘100 Deadliest Days’ begin for newbies behind the wheel By: Eyragon Eidam, Staff Writer High school graduation and the start of summer vacation signal an exciting time in the lives of teenagers; unfortunately, it also signals the start of the deadliest time to be a young driver. With youth behind the wheel and
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Driver’s Education Online

Register now for Sofia Hotlen Driving School online Driver's Education Classes. Upon your enrollment with us, a pre-paid registration code and a link to start taking your class online will be provided to you by us if you decide to enroll through our office. Also, you can enroll through the web from the convenience of your
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35+ Years Experience

Sofia Hotlen Driving School has been in business for 35+ years, or since 1989. Unlike other driving schools, we are the only school in Placer County that carries a brake and gas pedal on the passenger side. The Department of Motor Vehicle requires that driving schools install only a brake. For extra protection we also
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Behind The Wheel Training

Drivers training is a "behind the wheel" instruction for persons who have a permit to drive, regardless of age. Our course of instruction is a very complete and thorough set of driving tasks which make the learning process both fun and challenging. First time students under 18 years of age will require four (4) 1.5
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