Behind The Wheel Training


Behind The Wheel Training

Behind The Wheel Training

Drivers training is a “behind the wheel” instruction for persons who have a permit to drive, regardless of age. Our course of instruction is a very complete and thorough set of driving tasks which make the learning process both fun and challenging. First time students under 18 years of age will require four (4) 1.5 hour sessions over a minimum of six months:

1st – Hand over hand, moving forward, stopping, straight backup, right and left turns, right of way, turnabouts and U-turns, light traffic

2nd – Review the basics, traffic driving. Review turns and right of way. Freeway. Diagonal parking.

3rd – Uphill/downhill parking. Lane change in the traffic. Heavy traffic practice.

4th – Review areas the student is weak with. Practice test similar to DMV. Explain areas that students need to review.

New students will need one lesson with a certified instructor before they are allowed to use their permit. Our instructor will sign off on their permit after the first behind the wheel session, allowing them to begin practice at home with a licensed driver 25 years of age and older.

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